Welcome to the Cat Crazy Villagers Website                               The Cat Crazy Villagers (CCV) Club exists to promote the health & welfare of cats, to educate owners about their fur babies, to encourage responsible ownership and to have fun!


 Want to know more about CCV (Including History) or interested in joining, click the About CCV link above




************* NEW ***********

Check Out the new Medical Fund

in the "Cat Services" Link above














What:  Meeting

When: July 3rd  7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30)

Where: Odell Recreation Center

Speaker: John Burgess Cat caricatures

We will also be collecting dry cat food for the Wildwood Food Pantry.  







What:  Meeting

When: August 7th 7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30)

Where: Odell Recreation Center

Activity: Bring your sweet tooth, dessert buffet with Ukulele Club entertaining us. You need to sign up for this meeting so we will have plenty of desserts.

We will also be collecting dry cat food for the Wildwood Food Pantry.  







What:  Meeting

When: Sept 4th  7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30)

Where: Odell Recreation Center

Speaker: Cheryl Courtright, Director of Your Humane Society SPCA

We will also be collecting dry cat food for the Wildwood Food Pantry.  






What:  Meeting

When: October 2nd  7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30)

Where: Odell Recreation Center

Speaker: Jennifer Salpeter, DMV, Owner of Brick City Hospital. She will be discussing behavior issues in cats.

We will also be collecting dry cat food for the Wildwood Food Pantry.  






What:  Bingo

When: October 30th  

Where: Lake Miona Rec center

More info to come

We will also be collecting dry cat food for the Wildwood Food Pantry.  






What:  Meeting

When: November 6  7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30)

Where: Odell Recreation Center

Speaker: Darrell Tolbert, Ph.D. He will be talking about dealing with grief when your kitty passes away.

We will also be collecting dry cat food for the Wildwood Food Pantry.  






What:  Holiday Party

When: December 4th


Party: More to come





What:  There will not be a meeting

When: Jan 1  RecCenters are closed






What:  Meeting

When: Feb  7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30)

Where: Odell Recreation Center


We will also be collecting dry cat food for the Wildwood Food Pantry. 





What:  Meeting

When: March 5th  7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30)

Where: Odell Recreation Center


We will also be collecting dry cat food for the Wildwood Food Pantry. 





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© Cat Crazy Villagers